With the passing of time, new types of locks have been developed by expert locksmiths and they help us keep our houses and office buildings safe from burglar attacks. Also, the prices of locks have dropped in the recent years, so it is a good idea to take advantage of this and improve the security system of your property by installing brand new locks in Montreal or repairing the current ones. If you don’t exactly know how much to pay for getting new locks installed in your house, here are a couple of aspects you should take into consideration. Keep in mind that prices are influenced by a lot of factors, but this article will give you a rough idea of what budget to prepare.

Re-keying the cylinders of your locks can cost up to $70 in some cases

On the market you can find re-keying kits which allow you to reset the cylinders of up to 6 locks in some cases. Such a kit can cost up to $15, but it might not be available at all home improvement centers and hardware stores. Also, a locksmith can help you by re-keying the cylinders for a price of about $10 per lock. If your house has 4 locks then you might need to pay around $50 or $60 in order to have the cylinders re-keyed. Sometimes, this service can go up to $70, depending on the locksmith you hire as well as your location.

In order to prevent unpleasant situations, make sure that you call in advance and ask if the cylinders of your locks can be re-keyed in that particular day. Also, ask the professionals out there if they can service the brand and model of locks you currently have.

Expect to pay up to $200 if you install brand new locks in your property

In a similar fashion, many homeowners decide to install new and more modern locks in their properties and they are doing the right thing. Newer locks are stronger, more resistant to wear and tear, and harder to pick by thieves. Usually, you can install a basic lock on your front entrance door for a price between $20 and $50. If your house features 4 locks, you should expect to pay a maximum of $200. However, if you want all the locks of your house to be opened by a single key, instead of 4 independent keys, then this service will cost a little bit more. Still, it is very convenient to be able to open all the locks of your house using a single key, instead of 4, so go for this service if your budget is not that small.

Locksmiths who come to your house to re-key your locks might charge up to $200 for this service

On the other hand, if you don’t want to take your locks to a hardware store in order for the cylinders to be re-keyed, you can simply call a locksmith to come to your location. In most cases, locksmiths charge a standard fee of up to $100 for coming to a certain destination. Similarly, locksmiths might charge about $10 or even more for every lock cylinder they have to re-key. If your house is a typical one and features 4 locks then you should expect to pay something around $200 for a cylinder re-keying service.

However, you must know that calling a locksmith off-hours (during weekends or in the middle of the night) will increase the price of the service you request. When hiring the locksmith, make sure that you ask him exactly what is included in the price.

You might pay around $230 for a locksmith to visit you and install brand new locks

If you have decided to install modern locks in your house then you need to prepare a relatively larger budget. For example, most locksmiths charge a standard fee of up to $100 for visiting you as well as a fee of up to $30 for every new lock they install. If your house has 4 locks then you will eventually pay around $230 at most. Of course, this price is valid as long as you supply the locks.

If you do not supply the locks then the locksmith might buy them for you. Standard locks usually cost up to $50 in some cases, so the total price will eventually increase to around $400 for installing 4 brand new locks in your property. On the other hand, if you go for high-security locks which are tougher and safer then the total price of this service will increase even more. High-security locks might cost from $150 to $250, so you should expect to pay around $1,000 or more for install 4 high-security locks.

If you want to receive an accurate quote, give us a call and we will tell you what budget to prepare to improve the security system of your house. Rest assured that our prices are reasonable and our modern locks will keep thieves and burglars at bay.

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