As much as locksmiths have different tastes for keys and door solutions, they usually recommend specific locks for specific areas around the house. However, the back, in most occasions, stops with the homeowner. During door lock repair or even home renovation that may involve making some changes on the door; you may have to go to the doorknob store to find perfect ones.

Doorknobs can tip the style of your home in one way or another and as such, many locksmiths will recommend certain qualities when looking for doorknobs in various hardware stores. Some of the factors that locksmiths may mention include doorknob material, finishes, designs, rosettes and shape among others. For some it may be a lot to take in when given the opportunity to find the best doorknobs but there is no need to panic. You are about to find some of the things that many locksmiths will consider when picking the right doorknob for home doors.

Type of doorknobs

A locksmith will ask you about your preferred style, home décor and the kind of door you have back at home. This is because you have to select a particular type of doorknob that will match your home design and décor. Many types of doorknobs exist to choose from. The following are some that you may find worth considering.

• Egg-shape doorknob

You can choose an egg-shaped doorknob that is sand-casted with bronze if you particularly like a classy look at home. The finishing of the doorknob has a rectangular rosette with the bronze embedded in a silver patina. It definitely works with modern styles.

• Cut-glass knob

Cut-glass knobs give your home an exquisite look, as they are ornate. When paired with traditional rosette, the final look is very inspirational. Cut-glass knobs set the mood of a room as you make your way in and out.

• Ceramic knobs

Ceramic knobs are definitely for people who like antique stuff in their homes. They exhibit county cottage style and perfectly complement old-fashion décor. They can also fit into other settings if you are particular about their color.

In selecting a doorknob, you may have to consider the kind of people you have at home as well. For instance, if you are staying with elderly people the best option to go with would be the lever-style knob that is very easy to grip and turn. Handling of the lever is also an important element when choosing doorknob. Check the direction faced by the lever. If you have a door with right hand hinges, the lever of the doorknob has to face to the right for ease of use , and the same applies to the left side. Finding doorknobs that work best in both interior and exterior applications is important if you need proper installation.

Doorknob lock

When selecting a doorknob, you need to consider whether you would like to have an in-built lock. For instance, if you need a doorknob for the exterior door, you will have to fix a lock. Optionally, you may want one for the interior door such as bathroom and bedroom. Lock types are imperative in this regard, if you need more security in your home.

For many exterior doors, key insertion locks are commonly used. In interior doors, you are likely to find button like locks. More often than not, it is advisable to use button-locks in interior applications because it is easy to unlock them from outside using a special key. In the event the door is locked, you will still be in a position to access the door from the outside.

Material and finishing

Most types of doorknobs mentioned earlier touched a little on materials and finishes. A good number of doorknobs are metallic and come in a wide range of finishes. A warm look in the house can be achieved by picking a bright brass doorknob. Stainless steel, satin nickel as well as chrome are examples of finishes that bring out a modern feel. Silvery doorknobs are good because they neutrally work with a variety of color schemes. You may also choose ceramic doorknobs for cottage look or even settle for glass doorknobs that spark off instant admiration. All these finishes contribute to the home décor in one way or another depending on the one you choose.

Essentially, a locksmith will talk you through most of these factors and frame a rough cost for purchase and installation of these doorknobs. Certain doorknob applications may be more costly than others may. Therefore, you need to ask for suggestions from a locksmith regarding cost-effective doorknobs that can blend with your home design. Finding the right doorknob may seem like a hard task if you decide to walk into a number of stores. However, when you talk to a locksmith first, chances are you ending up with the right doorknob without having to spend too much.


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